Marcos André Gonçalves
Vamos nessa palestra aprender um pouco mais sobre a solução interna de visualização de dados da Hotmart, sua aplicação e desenvolvimento.
Desenvolvedor com foco em simplicidade, escalabilidade e entrega de valor ao usuário final. Iniciei minha carreira desenvolvendo minhas próprias soluções, passei por diferentes tipos de softwares em diferentes modelos de negócio e hoje atuo em soluções de alta demanda que utilizam o conceito de streaming para dados.
Product Manager da diretoria de dados da Hotmart, possui uma visão data driven. Formada pela PUC-RJ e Pós graduação pela Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)
Mohammed J. Zaki is a Professor and Department Head of Computer Science at RPI. He received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Rochester in 1998. His research interests focus on developing novel data mining and machine learning techniques, especially for applications in text mining, social networks, bioinformatics and personal health. He has around 300 publications (and 6 patents), including the Data Mining and Machine Learning textbook (2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 2020). He is the founding co-chair for the BIOKDD series of workshops. He is currently an associate editor for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, and he has also served as Area Editor for Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, and as Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, and Social Networks and Mining. He was the program co-chair for SDM’08, SIGKDD’09, PAKDD’10, BIBM’11, CIKM’12, ICDM’12, IEEE BigData’15, and CIKM’18, and he is co-chairing CIKM’22. He is currently serving on the Board of Directors for ACM SIGKDD. He was a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award and the Department of Energy Early Career Principal Investigator Award, as well as HP Innovation Research Award, and Google Faculty Research Award. His research is supported in part by NSF, DARPA, NIH, DOE, IBM, Google, HP, and Nvidia. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a Fellow of the ACM.
I am an Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen. I got my PhD in Computer Science from the University of Turin, Italy, in 2012. I conduct interdisciplinary research at the intersection of computational social science, digital health, network science, and urban informatics. I use large-scale digital data to quantify people’s well-being and build systems that can improve it. Currently, I am focusing on Natural Language Processing to quantify social and psychological experiences from text. I had a few past professional roles: Senior Research Scientist at Bell Labs in Cambridge, UK; Research Fellow of the ISI Foundation in Turin; Research Scientist at Yahoo Labs Barcelona and London; visiting scientist at the Center for Complex Networks and Systems at Indiana University.
Ricardo Baeza-Yates is currently Director of Research (part-time) at the Institute for Experiential AI of Northeastern University, Silicon Valley campus, since January 2021. He is also a member of the DATA Lab at the Khoury College of Computer Sciences. The rest of the time he does consulting for tech startups, companies and non-profit international institutions, particularly in responsible AI.
He is actively involved as expert in many initiatives, committees or advisory boards related to Responsible AI all around the world: Global AI Ethics Consortium, Global Partnership on AI, IADB’s fAIr LAC Initiative (Latin America and the Caribbean), Spain’s Council of AI, and ACM’s US Technology Policy Committee. He is also a co-founder of OptIA in Chile, a NGO devoted to algorithmic transparency and inclusion, and member of the editorial committee of the new AI and Ethics Journal where he co-authored an article highlighting the importance of research freedom on AI ethics.
Between 2016 and 2020 he was CTO of NTENT, a search technology company based in Carlsbad, California. Previously, he was VP of Research at Yahoo Labs, based in Barcelona, Spain, and later in Sunnyvale, California, from January 2006 to February 2016. Between 2008 and 2012 he also supervised Yahoo Labs Haifa and between 2012 and 2014 Yahoo Labs London. Until 2005 he was the director of the Center for Web Research at the Department of Computer Science of the Engineering School of the University of Chile; and ICREA Professor and founder of the Web Science and Social Computing Research Group (formerly Web Research Group) at the Dept. of Information and Communication Technologies of Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. He maintains ties with both mentioned universities as a part-time professor. Finally, he is also an adjunct professor at the CS department of the University of Waterloo, Canada.
His research interests includes algorithms and data structures, information retrieval, web search and data mining, and data science and visualization.
He is ACM Fellow and IEEE Fellow.